Spirited Away - Studio Ghibli
ai backend blogging bootstrap burnout challenges CI-CD code code-review communication css cyber-security data-science database design devops docker dunning-kruger egoism experience fastapi flask flutter frontend gamification generalist git github graphql humility imposter-syndrome javascript job market low-code mobiledev networking no-code npm nuxt open-source pnpm podcast problem-solving productivity programming python react research resume specialist struggles transitioning tutorial-hell tutuorial typescript vite vue webdev yarn
A modern documentation website boilerplate powered by Docusaurus and Tailwind CSS.
Talaba TN
A Tunisian e-learning platform, dedicated to high school and university students.
Festival Management System
A festival management system.
The official Comwork.io website.
Comwork Cloud
A complete, fully functional, local developers or sysadmin environment on the cloud, has been designed to reduce the setup time as well as your hosting costs.
Podium ESG (End-of-studies internship project)
Financial portfolios publication web app.
A website that can display random inspirational quotes from a public Api.
My Favorite LOL Champion
A minimalist website for my favorite League of Legends champion Ekko.
A minimalist website that can display Musashi's 21 principles for those who walk alone in this life.