
A modern documentation website boilerplate powered by Docusaurus and Tailwind CSS.

Talaba TN

A Tunisian e-learning platform, dedicated to high school and university students.


A simple, fast and reliable uptime monitoring service.


A FastAPI template with PostgreSQL and Redis databases

Object Detection System

A real-time object detection system.

Festival Management System

A festival management system.

Golf App

Golf Tee Times management mobile app for dAInamic.

Fairmat App

Bar code scanning web app for Fairmat factory.


The official ZAN-f wood products website.

Document Control Connector

A microservice for Docapost.


The official Comwork.io website.

Comwork Cloud CLI

A CLI to use Comwork Cloud API.

Comwork Cloud

A complete, fully functional, local developers or sysadmin environment on the cloud, has been designed to reduce the setup time as well as your hosting costs.

Book Notes

Notes from programming books. [Open-source]


A markdown-supported note-taking web app.


A Spotify clone.


A veterinary clinic mobile app.

Sector R

A real-time chatroom.

Reddit Clone

A full-stack reddit clone.


A simple expense tracker web app.

Ommek Sannefa

Kitchen recipes sharing platform.

Podium ESG (End-of-studies internship project)

Financial portfolios publication web app.

Koujina API

An API for kitchen recipes.

Sou9 API

An API for e-commerce.

Covid Tracker

Covid-19 cases and deaths tracker.

Time Check

Projects management mini-platform.

My List (Summer internship project)

A simple platform to share your passion by creating lists and sharing them with other users.

GFA Phones

A simple e-commerce platform for phones and accessories.

My Heroes

A minimalist website that can display mini-biographies about 20 programmers who made the internet as we know it today.


A website that can display random inspirational quotes from a public Api.

My Favorite LOL Champion

A minimalist website for my favorite League of Legends champion Ekko.


A minimalist website that can display Musashi's 21 principles for those who walk alone in this life.