471 words
2 minutes
How blogging will make you a better developer

When you hear the word “blogging” you might be thinking something like “That’s so old, no one reads blogs anymore!”.

I would argue that it’s not exactly accurate. If you are a programmer without writing at least one article per month, I think you should start right away!

When people hear the term Programmers, they think of people who write code, add new features, or perhaps fix bugs in a project.

But How blogging is related to becoming a better developer?

This article will answer this question and provide you with some of the benefits of putting out content, mainly focusing on blogging, and how it can help you level up.

You help others#

Since you are reading this, I assume you are a programmer. And as a programmer, I am 99.9% sure that you have read blog posts.

You know the feeling when you have a problem and you find an article that solves your problem right then and there. It is a great feeling!

But let me tell you, an even better feeling is to write an article yourself and then get feedback that it helped someone else to solve their problem or make their life easier. That is an even greater feeling!

You become a better communicator#

When you start putting out content two of the earliest fears that will paralyze you:

  • You are not being an expert.
  • You are not being a good communicator.

Even if those fears are true, the only antidote to them is to act. Yes, your first blogs might not be great, but over time you will learn to communicate better and that will not only help you in your profession but in your personal life too.

You become a better researcher#

While writing an article, you will often need to research a topic in-depth, leading you to pick up new concepts.

Occasionally, you will end up making a few errors in your blogs, but the community would help you resolve them with positive criticism, which can further boost your skills!

With the increased visibility you get through your blogs, you will get exposure to the degree you didn’t know was possible. Maybe you no longer have to go job hunting, instead, recruiters will be contacting you.

You grow your Network#

Creating and sharing content is a great way to build your network, connect with other people, and help them get to know you.

When you show up consistently, it helps you stay top of mind, strengthens your relationships, and even builds your community.


Aside from being able to educate others, blogging is also a great way to reinforce knowledge, and build your brand, among other things. Most developers shy away from blogging because they think they are not smart enough or they don’t think it is important. But it’s not that hard just try writing a 2min read article and you will see :)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxLFjOa-9UY&t=2s https://www.stevejgordon.co.uk/become-a-better-developer-through-blogging-part-1 https://www.readysetcloud.io/blog/allen.helton/be-a-better-developer-by-blogging https://inspirezone.tech/incredible-benefits-of-blogging-as-a-developer https://medium.com/blankpage/8-reasons-why-you-should-blog-as-a-developer-4bc8e7e87c71

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