Spirited Away - Studio Ghibli
ai backend blogging bootstrap burnout challenges CI-CD code code-review communication css cyber-security data-science database design devops docker dunning-kruger egoism experience fastapi flask flutter frontend gamification generalist git github graphql humility imposter-syndrome javascript job market low-code mobiledev networking no-code npm nuxt open-source pnpm podcast problem-solving productivity programming python react research resume specialist struggles transitioning tutorial-hell tutuorial typescript vite vue webdev yarn
Modes of collaboration
Want to collaborate? no problem at all! I’m open to new projects and opportunities. Feel free to book a meeting with me to discuss your project on calendly. Here are the different modes of collaboration available:
- Project Mode: We will broke down your project into modules with price and delivery times.
- Service Mode: I will estimate your requested tasks (measured in “man-days”) according to its complexity.